Lettie Prell Online
November 11, 2016 10:40am
The Fierce Passion of Writing Through it All

I've never seen this level of grieving in our country on the heels of any election I can remember. I know Republicans who are as shell-shocked at the election outcome as those in the Democratic party. As for me, I have felt everything I've heard expressed, and all this has made me fiercely passionate, compassionate, and intensely thinking. There is only one thing I know to do with myself in such a state: write science fiction.

I'll check back in later. In the meantime, some recommended reading for our times: China Miéville's The City and The City.



Lettie Prell is a science fiction writer. She likes to explore the edge where humans and their technology are increasingly merging.

Lettie on Social Media

lettieprell ( A T ) g m a i l . com

Lettie Prell is an active member of SFWA

photo by Camille Renee